What is dula’s neighborhood?

With over 20 years of pouring back in to the community, dula’s neighborhood combines art with Social and Emotional learning techniques to transform how we connect to our past and build a better future.

Our Mission:

to inspire self-love, mindfulness and expression through art demonstrations and activities.

Main Objective:

Promote mental Health Awareness and positive change through creative expression and community healing.


To introduce unique coping skills and activities that help in dealing with bullying, and the prevention of self-harm and/or the harm of others.

How we’ll get there:

dula’s neighborhood will achieve its mission by hosting workshops, art shows, and community discussions that provoke growth amongst participants.

Wait… Who is Dula?

  • He has served in a variety of leadership roles in community-based organizations.

  • Education: Masters of Arts in adult education, Masters of Science in organizational psychology

  • U.S. Marine corp. veteran, father, and mentor

How To Book Dula For Upcoming Events:

 Interested in having dula speak or host a workshop at your next event?
The first step is submitting a booking request!